The Stork Membership

Welcome to the Island Heron Stork Membership, your community for prenatal and postpartum care and support. We offer prenatal and postpartum group classes, special events, curated resources, and partnerships to help you on this journey. We’re glad you’re here!

Summer 2023 Class Schedule

Prenatal Yoga with Ashley Binkley

Every Thursday

5:45 - 7:00 pm

What people are saying:

I must tell you that the prenatal yoga classes with Ashley have been a game-changer for me.  I didn't do prenatal classes with my first pregnancy, and doing it with the second go has me feeling connected and prepared, even while chasing my toddler.  Ashley is a gem!!

Postpartum Group and Private Classes

Upon request, get in touch to learn more!


  • YES! Pregnancy and new motherhood are common entry points to yoga. This is the perfect time to start a practice. No prior yoga experience is required.

  • Prenatal and Postpartum classes are offered both in person and virtually!

  • Absolutely. You are welcome to join our classes with any of our class passes or memberships

  • We ask that you please wait to join us until you are cleared by your care-provider (usually 6 weeks). There is no time limit for postpartum yoga.

Something else? Get in touch